Maimuta Talent’s first name was Maimutza Utza! Their name was changed 5 months after their first public appearance.
Maimuta Talent was born in Germany. They flew to Romania at the age of 10.
Maimuta Talent is non-binary and their pronouns are they/them or she/her.
One interesting thing about Maimuta Talent is her age;She is 10 years old! When she moved to Romania from Germany she drank a juice that turned out to be a potion that will not allow her to ever age.
When she was brought to Romania, a little girl adopted her. Years after, Maimuta Talent became the Maimuta Talent you know today. Her pronouns are she/her.
(Her mom also appears in the Maimuta Talent fnf mod and has a wiki fandom page: )
Her adoptive mom(Nika) and her mom’s best friend(Eviak) started Maimuta Talent’s career in August 2020.
Cixi(Nika’s bff and pet), created the mod. Cixi’s pronouns are they/them or he/him. They have a wiki fadom:
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